And we must be doing something right... This one is a sell out!!
13 clients booked for Cosmetic and Dental Procedures..
4 partners joining them and 2 Somnio Directors... Thats 19 people on this trip!!!
That's an amazing feat for us.. considering the April Group Tour had 9 people... Including us.. So, the word is spreading like fire that our TOURS are obviously exceptional!
Group Travel is a popular choice for:
1. First time travelers
2. Men/Women traveling without their spouses or no partner
3. Men/Women that are looking for support from SOMNIO while in Thailand
4. Having our Local Knowledge whilst in Thailand
5. Comfort in knowing Hospital/surgeon appointments are arranged and taken care of
6. Group environment - means support and new friendships
7. Discounted Tours offered and arranged
8. Worry and stress taken out of the organisation
I am sure there are loads more reasons...
And I am sure our clients LOVE not having to think while they are away.. not having to cook or clean..
We ALWAYS stay in 5 star accommodation, nothing but the best for our Group Travelers!
The BanThai Beach Resort and Spa has been our preferred place to stay since we opened our doors and also home for 90% of our solo travelers.. We love the BanThai and we certainly claim it as our own amazing Discovery!
Whether there has been 1 or 50 Group travels under our belts... we guarantee that we will always place our clients first... We will also ensure their needs are well taken care of..
Group travel is not only about your procedure... its the overall experience that you will remember forever... SOMNIO STYLE