Well.. considering the uphill battle we had at the beginning of our SOMNIO Journey to now...
Our friendship has stood the test of time ... We have certainly had some hairy moments that shook our friendship..
But what we always looked at was the end product... Where do we want to be in 5 years...
If you have the same 'Dream' and 'Drive' to get it... you will find a way to work together... its called RESPECT.
You need to be different or your business will just end up being stagnant and boring...
Like some of our competitors here and there, who end up taking ideas from other companies (like ourselves) just to stay in the loop... Do you think this makes you look competent? Or an innovator? Or perhaps riding on other companies shirt tails is HOW you wish to succeed... or fail....
Starting your own business from scratch is a hard slog...We have had to constantly think outside the box... have a point of difference.. think outside the nox!
We are not in it for the money (well a little) fame or 'freebies' - But purely for the rewards in seeing our clients smile and be happy.. AND because we believe whole-heartily in the product we are endorsing...
No bottomless bank account to dip into.. Instead in 18 months we have taken no wage.. we ensure our business is on a constant rise through pure unselfishness.. and commitment...
With an abundance of happy clients back in Oz and a successful Group Travel under our belts... we are humbled to say that all the fruits of our 24/7 efforts are starting to pay off...
Respected within the community, we now have had clients meet us and book straight away... because they see we are grounded, normal and genuine ...
Our October Group Travel has NO places left (that's now 16 people traveling with us!).. Which is an amazing achievement for 2 Mum's making a go of something they believe in... and speaks volumes of how we run our business.
We have even joined forces with an AMAZING airline... And are floored, that they are just as happy to be associated with us...
I do believe we are the underdog... BUT... we are on a continual rise..watch out TEAM SOMNIO is gaining... FAST!
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